Quick Tips #10: What writing advice should I listen to?

I was given an invaluable piece of writing advice some time ago that was infinitely more helpful than any “how-to” article or writing course. Back then, I was at a point where writing was becoming more of a pressure than a pleasure; something to work at rather than simply...enjoy. I believed I had to write every day…

Women’s writing: how the world dismisses it

I published my debut novel in March, and was lucky enough to receive positive reviews, wonderful reader feedback, and a stint on three bestseller lists. I'm now working on my second novel, and as I write (and procrastinate), I've been thinking about stories and how we tell them and how they are received. I've been…


I never thought I was very good at writing poetry. I still don't. But Anna Jackson has convinced me I should do it anyway. The NZ poet and academic has recently published a wonderful book called Actions and Travels, about the joys of poetry. And the greatest joy, perhaps, is that anyone can write it:…